Hi there!

Oops, you have stumbled across my old blog! I am now under www.rosieparsons.com/blog with a whole new fun look!

You can stay here and have a good look through some of the past weddings I've shot, but for the latest news and goings on you'll want to be over here!

Look forward to seeing you on the other side :)


Monday 22 December 2008

Dodmoor House wedding

Finally another blog update! It's been a bit quiet since November, as I've been catching up with album designs, print orders and marketing.

Last weekend I helped out fellow photographer Sarah Vivienne at one of her weddings at the lovely Dodmoor House in Northamptonshire. I love working with Sarah - we have very similar styles, but manage to get really different perspectives on the same event and she is great fun to be around.

The wedding was Chris and Helen's, and they had some wonderful Christmassy touches including mulled wine being served, which made the room smell absolutely amazing. I also loved the vintage bridal car - check out the fun photo of the male congregation members having to push it when it got stuck in the mud!!

Here are some of my shots from the day...

northampton wedding photographersnorthampton wedding photographer
northampton wedding photographernorthampton wedding photographernorthampton wedding photographernorthampton wedding photographernorthampton wedding photographernorthampton wedding photographernorthampton wedding photographernorthampton wedding photographernorthampton wedding photographernorthampton wedding photographer


Anonymous said...

Hey Rosie! Such sweet comments! Thank you. And thanks too for all your shots and hard work at Chris and Helen's wedding. We rocked! xx

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Rosie. Hope you've had a good one.

Here's to a spectacular 09.


Emily Quinton said...

Beautiful images. I love those orchids!

Happy New Year - hope it's amazing x