Hi there!

Oops, you have stumbled across my old blog! I am now under www.rosieparsons.com/blog with a whole new fun look!

You can stay here and have a good look through some of the past weddings I've shot, but for the latest news and goings on you'll want to be over here!

Look forward to seeing you on the other side :)


Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Oxford Science Park Wedding - Andy & Ruth

It was a local wedding for me last Saturday with Ruth and Andy's nuptials at Headington Baptist Church in Oxford followed by a gorgeous reception at the architecturally impressive Sadler Building, which is part of Oxford Science Park.

The service was really moving, and the pair had written their own vows which were really special. It was really uplifting to witness a service where God was invited to be such an integral part of the couple's commitment.

After the service I had lots of fun trying out new portrait ideas using the architecture of the science buildings nearby and even utilised a nearby carpark to get some of these shots with the black backgrounds.

The rest of the images can be seen, if you have the password, here!

beautiful wedding photographyoxford wedding photography science park sadler building reception weddingsoxford wedding photography science park sadler building reception rosie parsons hartnellrosie parsons hartnelloxford wedding photography science park sadler building receptionrosie parsonsoxford wedding photography science park sadler building receptionoxford wedding photography science park sadler building receptionoxford wedding photography science park sadler building receptionoxford wedding photography science park sadler building receptionsoxford wedding photography science park sadler building receptionoxford weddings photography science park sadler building receptionoxford wedding photography science park sadler building reception


Anonymous said...

Absolutely love these taster photos. You have a great eye for portraits and fascinating back drops and can't wait to see the rest when Andy and Ruth are back.
Lovely comment about the ceremony - Thank you - Jackie Moore - Andy's mum :0)