Hi there!

Oops, you have stumbled across my old blog! I am now under www.rosieparsons.com/blog with a whole new fun look!

You can stay here and have a good look through some of the past weddings I've shot, but for the latest news and goings on you'll want to be over here!

Look forward to seeing you on the other side :)


Thursday, 18 September 2008

Women's Breakfast - Oxford Vineyard

I don't usually take my camera too much to social events, mainly because it weighs a lot and the work I always do to give my images their certain "polish" takes a significant amount of time. However it's fun to combine photography with relaxation when the images can be used for a good cause.

Sunday morning was the church women's breakfast. It was so nice to hang out with some of my favourite friends - although I did have to promise not to capture them eating on camera! The images should be useful for the church website, but I thought it would also be fun to post them here and show you what I get up to on my days off!