Hi there!

Oops, you have stumbled across my old blog! I am now under www.rosieparsons.com/blog with a whole new fun look!

You can stay here and have a good look through some of the past weddings I've shot, but for the latest news and goings on you'll want to be over here!

Look forward to seeing you on the other side :)


Thursday, 4 September 2008

Professional Photographer Magazine - profile feature

I'm very pleased that this month I'm in Professional Photographer Magazine again. This issue I have a four page feature (that I wrote myself no less!) as a "Day in the Life" article. The piece focuses on 24 hours during my Venice shoot in April this year, and gives you a behind the scenes look at all the goings on (plus lots of pics)!

Here are a few scans, but if you want to read it without straining your eyes you'll have to pop out to WHSmiths and nab yourself a copy!

Rosie Parsons Venice professional photographer magazineRosie Parsons Venice professional photographer magazine
Rosie Parsons Venice professional photographer magazineRosie Parsons Venice professional photographer magazine


Daniel Lay said...

Hi Rosie,
That's amazing to have such great coverage. I really like your photography style and the images you take transport you there. I love your use of black and white too.
I have stumbled across your site from Facebook and will keep an eye on your work. Its giving me inspiration for my photography already. I'm from Oxford too so its nice to see a fellow Oxfordian getting noticed.
Well done. Keep it up!

Nikole said...

The church shot is breathtaking.

Rosie Parsons said...

Hi Nikole and Daniel!

Thanks very much for your kind comments! It's really nice to see the team's hard work in print!


Stephen Michael Barnett said...

Rosie in the magazine article, you mentioned getting perhaps an oil stain on one of the dresses! What was the "washup" of that? Is it something that would have been covered by insurance?
Anyway great shots, what a great trip.