Hi there!

Oops, you have stumbled across my old blog! I am now under www.rosieparsons.com/blog with a whole new fun look!

You can stay here and have a good look through some of the past weddings I've shot, but for the latest news and goings on you'll want to be over here!

Look forward to seeing you on the other side :)


Sunday, 21 September 2008

Esseborne Manor wedding photos - Dave & Kate

I love it when my past brides recommend us to future ones! Dave and Kate are friends of Nid and Karl - whose wedding we photographed in Bristol last year.

Esseborne Manor near Andover was the venue for the couple's reception, and to my delight the wedding was at just the right time of year for all the gorgeous purple crocuses to be in flower. This made a gorgeous carpet of colourful flowers to do some portraits with!

Here are a few of the highlights from their lovely day! To see the rest click here (password needed from bride and groom)

esseborne manor weddingesseborne manor weddingesseborne manor weddingesseborne manor weddingesseborne manor weddingesseborne manor weddingesseborne manor weddingesseborne manor weddingesseborne manor weddingesseborne manor weddingesseborne manor weddingesseborne manor wedding